Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Winter of 2012 and 2013

The snow has kind of killed all ambition to do anything.  This has been one heck of a winter.  Lots of snow, crappy air with inversion, and freezing temperature.  Makes you just want to wrap up in a blanket with hot chocolate and a good book/movie.  We have been keeping busy in these parts, while being mostly stuck in the house.  Good Christmas and holiday season, even if I didn't share pictures.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

brain dump

So this is what I am thinking.... I want this blog to be a compilation of all the things I love to do.  So would it be good to have a blog that I use to write about or show things I am working on?  Like crafts, sewing, organizing, home projects, recipes, fitness, and of course mixed with a dash or two of family.  I want to be a better picture taker.  I want to create more.  I do not except to be the perfect blogger or be anything that may be considered amazing.  Just dumping ideas with the hopes that I can make sense of them all and do something fun in the process.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013: New Year, new resolutions

I am excited for a new year.  2012 was a very good year and has me looking forward to another good year.  It helps to have a more positive attitude, I guess.  I am always looking to improve and better myself.  I know I am not this amazing blog writer.  And I hope if anyone reads my blog they at least get something out of it.  I mostly write this for me or my family, as a place to document our life.  As a place for me to put stuff down.  A electronic journal of sorts.  So this year I start a new blog and hope to have fun with it.  I have a few ideas in my head that I would like to do, but need to make sense of them and not get too carried away.  I don't want a time commitment and waste of time pit. 

End ramblings... I have a few goals in mind for the new year.  I am not posting every goal just a few.  Also, I want to focus on a few to keep things simple.  I am thinking this will be a year of simplicity and challenging myself at the same time.

1. No toys in sacrament meeting.  I have gotten lazy with my youngest and he gets away with bringing too much distraction to church.  This will end.

2. Learn to can.  I really like my marinara sauce and homemade salsa.  I think it would be fun to can these both for our family.

3. Save money as a family for a big family Summer vacation.  This is in progress.  We are eating out less as a family and have a jar for our money we save.

4. I got this idea from a runner's group I am a part of.  I want to run the in miles for the age each of my kids will turn on their birthdays.  Which means I would need to run 15, 12, 9, and 6 miles this year the week of their birthday.  All my kids birthdays are spread out, so this will be do able.

5. I also am running another 1/2 marathon.  I really hope to PR (get a personal record), then I just may hang up my racing shoes.  I will still run, just not race.

6. Swim this year.  I am going to swim this year.  I had lots of time in the water this summer.  I had one very helpful lesson and need more.  But I am determined to swim.  To Challenge Myself, to not be afraid.

Those should keep me busy for awhile.   I have hope for a new year of simplicity, fun, challenge and growth.  This will be a good one.