Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Luke's 6th birthday

It a very special boys birthday today.  Just 6 years ago around this time Luke was born.  He has been such a sweet addition to our house.  We needed a boy to teach us girls a thing or two. 
He is smart.  He is funny.  He has a million and one questions everyday.  He is very loving.  And for some reason adores his mom.  I will take it, because I am sure it will not last forever.
Everyone who meets him can't help, but to enjoy him.  He managed to sweet talk his way into the birthday button he is wearing above.  The sweet primary singing ladies birthday was on Sunday, so she was wearing the button.  Luke told her his birthday was in 3 days and he needed a button just like hers.  After church was over she gave it to him.  He could not wait to wear it to school.
Luke is such a goof.  I know most of his sisters get annoyed by him, but they all love him (I am sure).  I can't wait to see the things and places Luke goes.  I hope he will continue to be a chatter box and share with me all his adventures.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Favorite: Lunch

 Grilled asparagus, strawberries, and cashews on a bed of spinach with a drizzle of raspberry vinaigrette.   Pineapple and a boiled egg on the side.
I really look forward to having no dinner leftovers to eat for lunch, because that means I get to eat a salad.  Seriously my favorite lunch is leftover meat and side vegetables or fruits all thrown on top of spinach or other dark greens.  In most cases, I don't even need salad dressing because the toppings flavor the salad.  Check out a few of my salads from the past month.  

All I do is start with a bed of greens (all of my pictured salads are spinach, but you can do any green leafy thing you want).  Add a protein meat, fish, nuts, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese is great too.  Pile on the fruits or vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables are really low in calories.  Plus, they are super filling.   I just think it is so easy to eat healthy.  Eat your veggies, people!  And something like this fills me up.  Don't forger your water. 
Flank steak and roasted red peppers on a bed of spinach.  Cucumber, carrots and ranch on the side.

Leftover meat (pork, chicken and beef there was only a little of all) from a restaurant and some BBQ sauce on the side.  A bed of spinach with carrots, cucumber, tomato and olives with ranch to dip.  

Pork from tacos, cheese, avocado and cilantro on a bed of spinach.  Carrots, tortilla chips and salsa on the side.

Coconut chicken, apple, and pecans on spinach with a drizzle of raspberry vinaigrette.  A few carrots to bulk up the meal.

Tuna, apple, and pickle on a bed of spinach.  Cucumbers and carrots on the side.