Friday, March 15, 2013

Organizing my recipes

One part of meal planning is actually being organized with recipes and keeping track of recipes you might want to try.  I said in my Meal Planning Binder that I had a tab called Journal.   (Binder and tab picture below)

I have over time written down dinners which my family likes.  So when I am really stumped on what to plan for the month.  I can look through there and get some more ideas.  I also keep my Meal Planning Sheet for a year.  Then I can look back at say last March and see what we ate then.  Gives me more options or ideas.  You know what would be even better in my journal,  would be for me to write the cook book and page number which to find recipes.  I haven't gotten quite that far yet.
Also, in my Binder I have a clear page protect where I stash recipes from magazines we will be using and eating that month.  (Seen on the left of the above picture.  On the right is my Journal List of recipes my family likes.

Which brings me to... How do I keep track of recipes from magazines or recipes I have printed or jotted down on the back of an envelope.  (I never keep a whole magazine for a couple of recipes.   I always cut out the ones I want to keep and toss the rest of the magazine).  I have a separate binder from my planning binder where I store all these recipes.  I have divided sections in my binder; Dinner, Breakfast, Sides, Soup or Salad, Breads and Desserts.  Before the recipes go in the binder they sit in a folder (not pictured).  Once they are tried and I want to use them again then they go in a page protector in the binder.  Every few months, I go through my folder and trash anything that no longer sounds good or I am sure my family will never eat.  I hate lots of paper clutter.  So I try to keep as little paper as possible.
Once something is tried and I want to keep it for future, then and only then, it goes in the binder.  Above you can see one section.  Below you can see a snap shot of a couple of recipes.  And hey you can see my blue folder (where I keep recipes to try) on the left at the front of my binder.  There you go, that is how I keep track of recipes.
Now for Family Favorite recipes.  They used to be stored in a recipe box.  Years ago I moved them to a photo album.  They were just easier to wipe clean, see better and find; than when they were in a box.  Again with my anal organization ways.  I made tabs at the top, making it easier to find recipes in each category.  Pictured below you can see my Family Favorites recipe binder and tabs 

Now I tell you... this did not all happen over night.  Also, this is how I like to keep track of recipes.  It works for me, my family and my home.  Having a good organized system helps with the planning process in the long run. 

Anyone else have a organize system for recipes they want to share in the comments.

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