Wednesday, September 3, 2014

San Francisco- Birthday Surprise part 1

I had to share my wonderful birthday surprise weekend.  My sweet husband told me a couple of months ago that he was taking me on a birthday get away.  I had no idea where we were going until the Monday before we left.  (We left on Thursday.)  Tori let it slip that I was going on a plane.  Which I had no idea, so Joel told me we were flying to San Francisco.  It was nice to be able to pack appropriately, since SF weather is cooler than Utah in August.  I was so excited about my surprise.  SF is somewhere I have wanted to visit.  (Joel has been to SF for work a few times, but I have never been with him.) 

So Wednesday night, Joel was checking our reservations and plane tickets and realizes he has scheduled our flight for pm instead of am.  There was a few minutes of panic and phone calls.  It would have really been sad to only have one day in SF.  He finally gets us on stand by for an morning flight. We just hoped and prayed that we could get on the flight in the morning.  Very early the next morning we make our way to the airport.  You know how grumpy those airport assistants are well she was all business, until Joel told her we don't fly much and this was suppose to be a birthday surprise for me. She worked her magic and got us two seats on the flight.  What a relief! 

A short flight later and we were in Oakland.  Joel decided to not rent a car.  From the airport we took the airport bart to the bart and rode the bart to the end of the line at Powell St.  Our plan was to take the cable car from there to our hotel, but once we got there we realized that was going to be difficult.  For one, there was a long line for the cable car and about an hour wait.  Too long after a long day of travel already.  Also, there was so many people that it would have been a pain with our luggage.  We found a taxi and took it the rest of the way.  Our taxi drive was an awesome driver and zoomed all over the streets.  The taxi only ended up costing as much as two cable car tickets would have.  Perfect.

It was our lucky day because our hotel room was ready to check in.  Such a relief again.  Our trip started out so stressful so it was nice to finally be here.  We checked in, dropped our bags, and went to find some lunch.  We stayed at the Argonaut Hotel right across the street from Fisherman's Wharf.  It was the perfect location.
Argonaut Hotel

Our room looked like this, except we did not have an ocean view out the window.  We could only see concrete and other room windows out our window.
For lunch we headed down to Fisherman's Wharf.  We split some fried calamari and a crab sandwich on sour dough.  Both were just okay, but we were starving so it worked.  We then walked around for a bit.  Spotted Alcatraz.  Sadly you have to book tours up to 2 months in advance so we did not get to go on a tour.  Would have been fun.  Guess we need to go back for a visit in the future.

We also admired these awesomely huge war ships.  The top is a submarine and the bottom a battle ship, I think.  They were both cool looking.  After we had got our fill of sight seeing we decided to go clean up and get to my birthday celebration shopping trip.

My tradition every year for my birthday for over 10 years now was to get a whole outfit for my birthday.  I used pinterest for my inspiration.  Below is my inspiration photo.

From our hotel we walked across the street to the cable car station and bought tickets.  Then we rode the cable car all the way to the top where there is a 7 story mall.  I bought my shoes at target at home. They were also part of my inspiration.  After we had got my whole outfit, Joel told me that I could just keep shopping and get more clothes if I wanted.  You don't have to tell me twice.  I ended up with 2 pairs of jeans, a sweater, a shirt, a skirt, 2 pairs of tights, 2 scarfs, and 4 layering tanks.  (the tanks were only $2 each, huge score)

My birthday outfit from my pinterest inspiration.
The little extras I bought.
My other pair of jeans, I love these, with some boots I bought at home.  Can't wait for colder weather to wear them.
After we shopped our hearts out we rode the cable car back to the hotel and got ready for dinner.  I wore my new outfit.  Can I just say how much I loved the weather in SF.  I think I could live here and be happy.  It was so perfect.  60's to low 70's, lovely sweater/ layering weather.  For dinner we ate at the restaurant in the hotel: The Blue Mermaid.  We both had a bowl of crab and corn chowder and sour dough bread, then split a beet salad.  It was so yummy.

After dinner we walked around just enjoying the evening.  We spotted Johnny Depp on the street.  Too bad he was only wax.  Watched the seals fight over sleeping spots on the docks.  Walked through Pier 39. It was just the perfect evening and perfect birthday surprise from my amazing husband.
Johnny Depp outside a wax museum.

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