Thursday, September 4, 2014

San Francisco part 2

Our second and last full day in SF was so fun.  We had decided earlier we were going to ride bikes across the Golden Gate bridge.  So we got up, got ready and head downstairs to the bike rental shop right outside our hotel.  We got fitted for our bikes and some instructions.  Then we were off.  Joel and I were not in any race or going for speed/time.  Meaning, we stopped along the way several times.  It was chilly out, but quickly warmed up.  I had to stuff my jacket in my back pack.

Here we are entering the bridge.  It was a bit overly crowded, but we took our time and didn't have any major conflicts.  The whole ride from the bike shop to the ferry dock where you catch the ferry back to SF was only about 8 miles with a few small hills. A nice little ride to feel like you did something instead of sitting and eating all vacation.

While riding across the bridge we watch a helicopter actually fly under the bridge.  It was so crazy, like right out of the movies.  Across the bridge we made our way to the little town of Sausalito.  There we locked up our bikes and helmets.  Made reservations for the ferry ride back to SF.  Then set out for lunch.  For lunch we got two sandwiches and split them to share.  After that we had about an hour to roam around the cute little town.  We were really not in the mood to souvenir shop or shop since we did a lot of shopping the day before.

So we parked our selves by the ocean and watched the waves and boats.  It was so nice again to relax and soak in the sun.  After a while it was time to get our bikes and board the ferry.  We had talked about just riding the bikes back, but decided the ferry would be fun too.  It was a short boat ride with great views of the SF sky line and Alcatraz.  The ferry ended up dropping us off at Pier 1, so we got to ride our bikes all the way back to the bike rental shop.  Not so bad, if only the other bike riders were moving faster.

Back to the hotel to clean up and change out of our sweaty bike clothes.  We crossed the street to Hyde Pier and checked out some more awesome boats.  We decided the one above looked like a pirate ship. Can you imagine the size of the masts on that thing?  We then decide we deserved some ice cream. Where else to get yummy ice cream, but at Ghirardelli Square.  We split a yummy chocolate chip cookie, chocolate ice cream sundae.  It was amazing.  Should have taken a picture.  Is it weird to take pictures of your food?  I can't decide.
Then it was time to walk off some ice cream calories and see some more of SF sites.  Walked up an extremely steep hill.  Counts as a good workout.

 Then we walked down Lombard street.  This house on the street and the most beautiful flowering vine climb up it.  Just the color of the house with the pink flowers, amazing.  I loved it.

At the bottom of Lombard looking up.  So cool.  After walking around we hit up a little family owned sushi shop.  Those are our favorite places to eat.  The off the beaten path restaurants.   The sushi was good. And I can not remember the name of the place.  Walked back the the hotel and kind of settled in for the night.  When we realized it was far too early.  So again we walked the streets, bought some gifts for the kids, and had some fresh mini donuts at a store in Pier 39.  They were not great, but maybe I was just too full.  Stayed out until my feet were nice and tired.

The next day was suppose to be uneventful... Just a ride to the airport and an airplane ride home.  Joel did awesome and asked the hotel if there was any deals for a ride to the oakland airport.  They hooked him up with a shuttle.  Which was actually just a town car and we were the only passengers.  Talk about a nice sweet ride to the airport, much more comfortable than our ride from the airport.  So we got to the airport nice and early to check in.  We had time to get some lunch and get to our gate.  Only to find out 30 minutes before boarding that our plane was delayed.  The bad news kept coming.  The plane front brakes were not working.  An important part of the plane.  Our time kept getting pushed back further and further.  We were so thankful to finally be able to board the plane.  And thankful to have a plane take us safely back to Utah.  The pilot explained to us that they end up taking of the front wheels and replacing them.  We finally made it back to the Utah 5 hours later than we had hoped.  It was kind of nice to have a mostly empty plane, many people had to find a new flight.  Anyway, not to let that sour our wonderful trip.

I am so thankful for such a wonderful husband for taking me on this fun trip.  I really loved San Francisco!  It was even more fun to be there with Joel.  I can not say enough how lucky I am to have a husband who enjoys doing things with me.  We have similar ideas on travel and both enjoy exploring.

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