Friday, April 12, 2013

6th grade rocket launch

The 6th grade had their annual rocket launch last week.  The day was very windy and not the best condition for launching off a bunch of light weight rockets.  Amber didn't seem to mind one bit.
The kids all get to buy a rocket, build it and decorate, if they want.  Joel and Amber worked on the rocket together.  It wasn't the prettiest thing, but it was fun.

Most of the kids rockets ended up blowing 2 blocks to the South because of the windy conditions.
Getting ready to launch!

Amber's first launch landed on the school property.  The parachute tore a bit.  Then she decided she was just going to launch it again.  Hoping for it to explode.  But it didn't.  It blow 2 blocks to the South, which was the fate of many rockets.  I tried walking around to recover it for her, but never did see it.  Although I did see many other rockets.  All and all a good time was had. 

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